Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Emoji food, plants, animals

🍠 roasted sweet potato (Bloom's potato)

face savouring delicious food

🍵 teacup without handle

hot beverage, coffee

 🚬 smoking

 💊 pill

🍼 baby bottle

🍺 beer mug

🍻 clinking beer mugs

🍷 wine glass (Bloom's lunch)

🍸 cocktail glass

🍹 tropical drink (sloe gin?)

🍶 sake bottle and cup

🍲 pot of food, stew (Maggy's soup)

🍛 curry and rice

🍜 steaming bowl

🍚 cooked rice

🍳 cooking, egg? (Mulligan, Bloom)

🍖 meat on bone

🍗 poultry leg

🍞 bread (girls, gulls, macintosh?)

 🍯 honey pot

🌽 ear of maize

🌾 ear of rice

🍴 fork and knife

 🍽  fork and knife with plate

🍔 hamburger

🍕 slice of pizza

🍘 rice cracker

🍙 rice ball

🍝 spaghetti

🍟 french fries

🍡 dango

🍢 oden

🍣 sushi

🍤 fried shrimp

🍥 fish cake with swirl design

🍦 soft ice cream

🍧 shaved ice

🍨 ice cream (Rabaiotti)

🍩 doughnut

🍪 cookie

🍫 chocolate bar

🍬 candy

◊ lozenge

🍭 lollipop

🍮 custard

🍰 shortcake

🍱 bento box

🍈 melon (Bloom's fantasies)

🍉 watermelon

🍋 lemon

🍊 tangerine

🍌 banana

🍍 pineapple

🍎 red apple

🍏 green apple

🍑 peach (Boylan for Molly)

🍐 pear (Boylan for Molly)

🍒 cherries

🍓 strawberry

🍇 grapes

🍅 tomato

🍆 aubergine/ eggplant

🌰 chestnut

🍄 mushroom

🌿 herb

🌱 seedling

🌲 evergreen tree

🌳 deciduous tree

🌴 palm tree

🌵 cactus

 💐 bouquet

🌷 tulip

🌸 cherry blossom

🌹 rose

🌺 hibiscus

🌻 sunflower

💮  white_flower

🌼 blossom

❀ white florette

 🏵  rosette

 🏶  black rosette

❦ floral hearts

⚘ flower

☘ clover

🍀 four leaf clover

🍁 maple leaf

🍂 fallen leaf

🍃 leaf fluttering in wind

animals, smart to dumb:

🐬 dolphin

🐉 dragon

🐲 dragon face

🐳 spouting whale

🐋 whale

🐒 monkey

🐵 monkey face

🐅 tiger

🐯 tiger face

🐆 leopard

🐎 horse

 🏇 horse racing (Deasy, Gold Cup)

🐴 horse face

🐘 elephant

🐾 paw prints

🐕 dog

🐶 dog face

🐩 poodle

🐈 cat  (Eccles, Cumberland)

🐱 cat face

🐺 wolf face

🐻 bear face

🐼 panda face

🐨 koala

🐫 bactrian camel

🐪 dromedary camel

🐂 ox

🐃 water buffalo

🐄 cow

🐮 cow face

 🐗 boar

🐖 pig

🐷 pig face

 🐽 pig nose (tramdriver)

🐏 ram

🐐 goat

 🐑 sheep

 🐇 rabbit

🐰 rabbit face

🐹 hamster face

🐀 rat

🐁 mouse

🐭 mouse face

🐧 penguin

🐦 bird

🐓 rooster

🐔 chicken

🐣 hatching chick

🐤 baby chick

🐥 front-facing baby chick

🐟 fish

🐠 tropical fish

🐡 blowfish

🐊 crocodile

🐍 snake

🐢 turtle

🐸 frog face

🐙 octopus

🐌 snail

🐜 ant

🐝 honeybee

🐞 lady beetle

🐛 bug

🐚 spiral shell

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